Steel coupons
for hydrogen peroxide sterilization

Biological indicators OXI CONTROL GST E6/E5/E4/E3/E2 SS are used for regular control of H2O2 vapour superficial decontamination cycles and validation of sterilizers. These biological indicators use a stainless-steel support (coupon), that is not permeable to hydrogen peroxide. Stainless-steel coupon has been inoculated with Geobacillus stearothermophilus ATCC® 7953 spores and has been introduced into a Tyvek®/Polytene envelope. Tyvek® side of the envelope is permeable to hydrogen peroxide vapor, while the Polytene side of the envelope is not permeable to these vapors. Biological indicators OXI CONTROL GST E6/E5/E4/E3/E2 are produced under strictly controlled conditions in order to satisfy the requirements indicated in the USP and EP current editions and in accordance with ISO 11138 and EN 866 standards.
ref. 91082
20 coupons + 20 tubes
2-8°C storage temperature
3 years shelf life
View the complete range of Biological Indicators for sterilization processes