For the testing on COVID-19 specimens from the upper (nasopharyngeal) and the lower (oropharyngeal) respiration tract should be taken. In case that only one specimen is taken, different guidelines suggest to take a nasopharyngeal swab. 

It is possible to take multiple specimens from the same patient with a single swab. In the case that more than multiple swabs are used to collect specimens from two different locations in the same patient, it is possible to insert both in the same vial with virus-transportation medium. The vial should contain 2-3ml of a suitable virus transportation medium.

Clinical samples that are suspected to contain SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) should only be taken with synthetic (preferably flocked) fiber swabs (e.g. nylon) that have a plastic shaft, swabs with wooden shafts or calcium alginate swabs should not be used, as such materials potentially inactivate certain viruses. Suitable Swabs for COVID-19 testing are Flocked Sampling Swab for Nasopharyngeal application or Flocked Sampling Swab for Oropharyngeal application

HiViralTM Transport Medium

HiViralTM Transport medium is a specially formulated medium for collection, transport and long term freeze
storage of viruses. It is designed to maintain the optimum viability and virulence of the viral sample.

HiViralTM Transport Medium is made of Hanks Balanced Salt Solution and contains a protective protein antibiotics to control microbial contamination and buffers to control the pH. Phenol red is used as a pH indicator. The medium also contains a cryoprotectant which helps in preserving the viruses, if specimens are frozen for prolonged storage.


Glucose-Lactalbumin-Yeast viral transport medium

A virus transport medium (VTM) prevents specimen drying, helps maintain viral viability between
collection and inoculation, and retards the growth of microbial contaminants. VTM typically consists
of a protein such as bovine serum albumin or gelatine and a combination of antimicrobial agents in a
buff-ered salt solution. VTM tubes usually contain 2 ml of medium. Larger volumes should not be used
for swabs because of the greater dilution effect.

In a comparing validation study on the quantification of the human sources containing viruses GLY-Medium
showed no differences as compared to Virus Transport Medium (VTM) [Jenny et al, 2008].


Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline

A virus transport medium (VTM) prevents specimen drying, helps maintain viral viability between
collection and inoculation, and retards the growth of microbial contaminants. VTM typically consists
of a protein such as bovine serum albumin or gelatine and a combination of antimicrobial agents in a
buff-ered salt solution. VTM tubes usually contain 2 ml of medium. Larger volumes should not be used
for swabs because of the greater dilution effect.

In a comparing validation study on the quantification of the human sources containing viruses GLY-Medium
showed no differences as compared to Virus Transport Medium (VTM) [Jenny et al, 2008].