Eugon LT SUP
Nutritious medium for detecting and enumerating microorganisms in cosmetics

ref. 26492
100 tubes x 9 mL
1 year shelf life
10-25°C storage temperature

ref. 402750
6 bottles x 90 mL
2 years shelf life
10-25°C storage temperature
Eugon LT SUP is a highly nutritious medium used for the detection and enumeration of microorganisms in cosmetic products.
This medium complies with the requirements of the following standards: ISO 16212, ISO 17516, ISO 18415, ISO 18416, ISO 21149, ISO 21150, ISO 22717 and ISO 22718.
Eugon LT SUP is formulated to allow a better dispersion of the test sample while neutralizing preservatives that may be present in cosmetics.